Excel Macro Read Sheet Name

First time when you run the code you will get the names of all the sheets in current sheet in column A. In a Visual Basic Macro you would use pName ActiveWorkbookPath the path of the currently active file wbName ActiveWorkbookName the file name of the currently active file shtName ActiveSheetName the name of the currently selected worksheet The first sheet in a workbook can be referenced by ActiveWorkbookWorksheets 1.

Determine If A Sheet Exists In A Workbook Using Vba In Microsoft Excel

Cells j 1 Sheets iName.

Excel macro read sheet name. IFERROR INDEX FileNameList ROW -2 Drag this down and it will give you a list of all the file names in the folder. For i 1 To SheetsCount. Sub Test1 WorkbooksOpen FileNameCYourFilePathBook1xls Dim ws As Worksheet Dim i As Integer With ThisWorkbookWorksheetsSheet1RangeAAClearContents For Each ws In.

Lets Work Through An Example Macro. Now the sheet tab name is referenced in the cell. Current tab you can use a formula based on the CELL function.

MID CELL filenameA1FIND CELL filenameA11256 into any blank cell and then press Enter key and the tab name has been extracted into the cell at once. To return the sheet name in a cell use CELL FIND and MID in Excel. The CELL function below returns the complete path workbook name and current worksheet name.

This macro sets todays date as the name for the current sheet Sub NameWorksheetByDate Changing the sheet name to todays date ActiveSheetName FormatNow dd-mm-yyyy Changing the sheet name to a value from a cell ActiveSheetName ActiveSheetRangeA1value End Sub. Theres no built-in function in Excel that can get the sheet name. If the workbook does not need to stay closed this would work modify for path workbook name and ThisWorkbook sheet name.

Copy Paste the following code. Even if I change worksheet names say for example from My Data to Data by renaming it my code will STILL work. Then enter this formula.

First declare a variable to use for the sheet while performing the loop and to store the sheet name that you want to search. The VBA code below will print out the value in Cell A10 of my current worksheet which is named MyData. In the example shown the formula in E5 is.

Lets look at a live example. To get the name of the current worksheet ie. And use the variable to refer to each worksheet in the workbook.

J j 1. To use the macro just replace the word Sheet1 it appears twice in the code with the tab name where you would like the results. Activate the worksheet that you want to extract the sheet name.

If you select any cell in the worksheet you can see the name of that cell in the Name Box. Select a blank cell copy and paste the formula MIDCELLfilenameA1FINDCELLfilenameA11255 into the Formula Bar and the press the Enter key. Function Read_Named_Range Dim Arr As Variant Dim iRow As Integer Dim iCol As Integer Arr RangeNamed_Range_Multi For iRow 1 To 3 For iCol 1 To 3 MsgBox ArriRow iCol Next Next End Function.

Next write a line of code for an input box to enter the name of the sheet that you wish to search. The following code example sets the name of the active worksheet equal to todays date. Make sure there isnt any important information on the output tab because it clears the data their before writing to it.

MIDCELLfilename A1FINDCELLfilename A1 1255. Sub sbGetCellData2 MsgBox Range A1 Here you have to specify the Cell Name which you want to read - A is the Column and 1 is the Row End Sub Here is sample picture which helps you to understand this concepts. Go to cell A3 or any cell where you want the list of names to start and enter the following formula.

CELL retrieves the workbook name and sheet and the MID and FIND functions are used to extract just the sheet name. After that start your loop with the For Each keyword. Sub All_Sheet_Names Dim Ws As Worksheet Dim LR As Long For Each Ws In ActiveWorkbookWorksheets LR WorksheetsIndex SheetCellsRowsCount 1EndxlUpRow 1 This LR varaible to find the last used row CellsLR 1Select ActiveCellValue.

If Sheets iVisible -1 Then. Sub FnGetSheetsName Dim mainworkBook As Workbook Set mainworkBook ActiveWorkbook For i 1 To mainworkBookSheetscount Either we can put all names in an array here we are printing all the names in Sheet 2 mainworkBookSheets Sheet2Range A i mainworkBookSheets iName Next i End Sub. Now to get the list of files we will use the named range within an INDEX function.

Ok so here is a simple Excel macro. Please do as follow to reference the active sheet tab name in a specific cell in Excel. So the above values from the named range Range Named_Range_Multi can be read using using loop as well.

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